Monday, 12 October 2015

 This depict video is called Operator and is a cartoon animated video which I really like as it is funny and really simple with not a lot of dialogue.

This is another one I like which is another really simple video of the sun causing havoc with the human escaping from the sun. It has no dialogue and gives a serious message of what we are doing to our earth and soon the sun will be able to kill animals and plants.

Yet again another simple video I like with no dialogue. I find it funny and how they made it funny with not a lot of scenes used.

Paper Maker Evaluation

Evaluation – Paper Maker

In our induction task we had to make a short film, which had to have a story line of a parcel being delivered. Ours had a guy in the back of the car which was the ‘parcel’.

Lighting- We edited our film to be black and white due to the lighting wasn’t very good as the natural light was to bright and we couldn’t see anything through the camera.

Different shot distances- Medium shot is used at 1:08 to show the audience my expression and what is in the boot and a close shot is used at 1:10 to give it more of a mystery of who is loading the gun.

High or low camera angles- A low camera angle shot/Point of view was used at 1:03 to show that the guy in the boot is weak and can’t do anything.

Camera movement - At 0:17 seconds we just got the camera man to move closer to the car to give it a zoom affect as the zoom on the camera wasn’t working and at 0:34 the camera pans and follows me to show where I am going/leaving.

Fades or dissolves- The only fade we had in the video was the title ‘paper maker’ at the start.

Continuity system- We had one establishing shot which was at 0:50 of the video showing the place of which it said on the bit of paper which fell out of the glove compartment we also had a POV shot at 1:03.

This task has shown me to think about continuity always when filming and to make sure that nothing like camera bags are in the shot when filming